#安卓#🔥下拉刷新、上拉加载、二级刷新、淘宝二楼、RefreshLayout、OverScroll,Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹、越界拖动,具有极强的扩展性,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Footer。
#安卓#RecyclerView extension library which provides advanced features. (ex. Google's Inbox app like swiping, Play Music app like drag and drop sorting)
翻译 - RecyclerView扩展库提供了高级功能。 (例如Google的Inbox应用(例如滑动),Play Music应用(例如拖放排序))
🔥 A custom view pull to refresh,support ScrollView,ListView,RecyclerView,WebView and all another views, easy to use
A CLI utility that generates PDF from Markdown. Features: syntax highlighting (for code blocks), dark, light and custom themes, pagination control (using horizontal lines - especially useful for pres...
#安卓#Custom RecyclerView with additional functionality. Allow you add divider, itemSpace, emptyView, sticky header and some other features
🌆 Here I've aggregated some of the most commonly used web-page templates made using Bootstrap4 🛒
Dynamic, responsive sticky footers.
#安卓#An Android library which adds headers and footers to the RecyclerView.
#安卓#FooterNavigationView helps to show a footer inside the NavigationView
The ultimate collection of responsive Footers built with the latest Bootstrap 5. Free for personal & commercial use. If you'd like to customize your Footers will find the documentation below.
Essential Bootstrap CSS such as margin, padding, off canvas, action button and avatars.
A data-driven RecyclerView framework for building fast and flexible lists
3-page crypto currency website template. The language we have used are HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It is fully responsive and can fit with mobile, tablet, desktop, and TV
📚 Useful & production ready flutter layouts. not as examples, but as package. based on real-world apps
A shopware 6 extension for a bar for information and notification texts or messages which can contain up to 4 areas.