#安卓#🦌 Flutter 练习项目(包括集成测试、可访问性测试)。内含完整UI设计图,更贴近真实项目的练习。Flutter practice project (including integration testing and accessibility testing). Contains complete UI design drawings for a more realistic practi...
🌟A cool dynamic view library
#安卓#An Android library to implement TicketView in android with normal, rounded and scallop corners
[No more support] A view which can add sticker and zoom,drag,delete it
Add curve at bottom of image views and relative layouts.
#安卓#Yet another built-in animated search view for Android.
#安卓#A multifunctional Android code editor library. (aka CodeEditor)
#安卓#Beautiful Circular Progress Bar with album art for android
#安卓#Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
Android Jigsaw puzzle support,inspired by Instagram's layout.
#安卓#🔦The ShowcaseView library is designed to highlight and showcase specific parts of apps to the user with an attractive and flat overlay.
:unicorn: 利用本库绘制出贝塞尔曲线魔炫背景。Customize view:Draw the magic dazzle background with Bézier.
#安卓#Android Waveform SeekBar library