#安卓#A beautiful Android custom seekbar, which has a bubble view with progress appearing upon when seeking. 自定义SeekBar,进度变化更以可视化气泡样式呈现
#安卓# A beautiful and powerful SeekBar what supports single、 range、steps、vetical、custom( 一款美观强大的支持单向、双向范围选择、分步、垂直、高度自定义的SeekBar)
A custom SeekBar on Android, which can be changed the size ,color , thumb drawable , tick drawable , tick text and indicator , also , will show an indicator view with progress above SeekBar when seeki...
React Native component exposing Slider from iOS and SeekBar from Android
A circular seekbar for Android, with a control knob! (for the lack of a better word).
本库主要提供一个漂亮而强大的自定义SeekBar,进度变化由提示牌 (sign)展示,具有强大的属性设置,支持设置section(节点)、mark(标记)、track(轨迹)、thumb(拖动块)、progress(进度)、sign(提示框)等功能
#安卓#🤯 A slider widget rich in emoji and highly customisable.
#安卓#Vertical SeekBar class which supports Android 4.x - 9.x.
#安卓#Android Waveform SeekBar library
#安卓#A highly customizable seekbar/slider library for android with support for readahead indicator, segments and more. Made with Jetpack Compose ❤.
#安卓#A slider (SeekBar) with amazing value label.
翻译 - 带有惊人值标签的滑块(SeekBar)。
#安卓#A colorful SeekBar for picking color
#安卓#🎡 ArcSeekBar 一个弧形可拖动进度条控件。弧形大小,弧度,颜色渐变等配置完全可定制化
#安卓#Multi functional slider/seekbar( / rangebar / scrubber) for Android
#安卓#Color picker library for Android
#安卓#An Android custom circular SeekBar that supports max/min range and step settings.
#安卓#Beautiful custom View, SeekBar selector, easy to use, and rich in customization.漂亮的区间选择器,贝塞尔曲线优雅实现