#安卓#一款android自动生成表格框架---An Android automatically generated table framework
An awesome list of tips for Android.
翻译 - 一系列很棒的Android提示。
#安卓#AnyChart Android Chart is an amazing data visualization library for easily creating interactive charts in Android apps. It runs on API 19+ (Android 4.4) and features dozens of built-in chart types.
翻译 - AnyChart Android Chart是一个了不起的数据可视化库,可轻松在Android应用程序中创建交互式图表。它可以在API 19+(Android 4.4)上运行,并具有数十种内置图表类型。
#安卓#Android 动画各种实现,包括帧动画、补间动画和属性动画的总结分享
🌟A cool dynamic view library
#安卓#A compact Android utility for constructing and drawing rounded regular polygons.
#安卓#A collections of tips in Android developing.Android开发总结。我的博客:
🎨 A color picker for Android. Pick a color using color wheel and slider (HSV & alpha).
#安卓#A swipe button for Android with a circular progress bar for async operations
A library to add shadows for the Android View.(一个方便为Android View添加自然的阴影的库)
#安卓#Color picker library for Android
🎨 一组实用炫酷自定义View的集合(包括源码及demo)包括常见的支付、扫描、解锁动画、炫酷转盘式菜单等效果。A collection of Android cool custom views
#安卓#Avatar ImageView with user's name first letter Drawable placeholder
#安卓#🍞 The ultimate breadcrumbs view for Android!
Text components supporting 'Read more' UX for Android View and Jetpack Compose
#安卓#A custom android Rating view with Interactive Smiles 😄
#安卓#An Android TreeView with RecyclerView