An awesome list of tips for Android.
翻译 - 一系列很棒的Android提示。
Android: Show how to update and replace Fragment in ViewPager
#安卓#A CoordinatorLayout that implements nested scrolling and propagates scroll events to parent views.
#安卓#An Android library that holds fragment states for bottom navigation view even when activity rotates.
Blog post regarding android fragments in 2017. Sample includes fragment-less architecture
#安卓#Best UI development practices are now available for Android
#安卓#Android library to log out Activity and Fragment lifecycle methods
#安卓#Fragment UI 框架(一个Activity)
#安卓#Custom Menu for android using fragments
#安卓#ViewLifecycleProperty makes easy declaring the property that has the same lifecycle as Fragment's view.
#安卓#This is a simple project about fragment transactions in android
#安卓#Behavior Driven Components for Android: Decouple Your Logic And Get Out Of Base-Class Hell
#安卓#Library for Simple Fragment Navigation
This simple application includes navigation drawer and fragments.I tries to implement fragment within a fragment.Whenever i click a component on a fragment it open another fragment layout.
#安卓#This project demonstrates work with the base classes of Android. This code can be useful both for beginners - as a demonstration project, and for experienced developers - as a sandbox, in which you ca...
#安卓#This is a Mobile Application for get and collect details about Invasive Plants of sri Lanka's National Parks like Horton Plains.
#安卓#AndroidMe is an app that lets you style your own Android by customizing it's hair and clothing! It uses Fragments, modular sections of an Activity, to create a flexible and responsive UI.
#安卓#Wheel Purchasing App. Utilizes RecyclerView, Fragments, Accelerometer, LongPress Gesture, unique layouts for portrait and landscape views, JSON data retrieval, SQLite, AutoCompleteTextView, ScrollView...
Android library written in Kotlin to simplify passing params to activities and fragments.