#安卓#The bullet proof, fast and easy to use adapter library, which minimizes developing time to a fraction...
翻译 - 防弹,快速且易于使用的适配器库,可将开发时间减至最少...
#安卓#ANDROID. ChipsLayoutManager (SpanLayoutManager, FlowLayoutManager). A custom layout manager for RecyclerView which mimicric TextView span behaviour, flow layouts behaviour with support of amazing recy...
#安卓#TableView is a powerful Android library for displaying complex data structures and rendering tabular data composed of rows, columns and cells.
"Favor composition over inheritance" for RecyclerView Adapters
翻译 - RecyclerView Adapters的“继承中的重要组成”
#安卓#An Android library for decomposing RecyclerView layouts to improve scroll performance.
#安卓#A single adapter with multiple view types for the whole project
#安卓#Display code with syntax highlighting ✨ in native way.
#安卓#Easily create complex recyclerview adapters in android
#安卓#🎢 Zoom Recycler Layout Manager For Android Kotlin
翻译 - 适用于Android Kotlin的Zoom Recycler Layout Manager
#安卓#Don't write a RecyclerView adapter again. Not even a ViewHolder!
#安卓#Provides fast scroll and section idexer for recycler view
#安卓#A Viewholderless Adapter for RecyclerView, who supports builtin diffing, states (paging, empty...), events (clicking, swiping...), and more.
#安卓#One Template which solves all frequently used RecyclerViews Code Snippets
#安卓#Small, smart and generic adapter for recycler view with easy and advanced data to ViewHolder binding.
(Published to MavenCentral) Kotlin way of building RecyclerView Adapter 🧩. You do not have to write RecyclerView Adapters again and again and suffer from handling of different view types. Kiel will h...
#安卓#Declare RecyclerView adapters in a functional way, without boilerplate and subclassing. No compromises on flexibility. If it's possible to do something by subclassing, it's possible to do it with this...