Smarter YAML front matter parser, used by metalsmith, Gatsby, Netlify, Assemble, mapbox-gl, phenomic, vuejs vitepress, TinaCMS, Shopify Polaris, Ant Design, Astro, hashicorp, garden, slidev, saber, s...
remark plugin to support frontmatter (YAML, TOML, and more)
A vite plugin to import a Markdown file in various formats like Front Matter, HTML, ToC, and React/Vue Component
A CLI tool that converts exported Medium posts (html) to Jekyll/Hugo compatible markdown with front matter.
Go library for detecting and decoding various content front matter formats
Validate your Markdown frontmatter data against a JSON schema — remark-lint rule plugin
A tool for easily extracting front matter out of a string. It is a fast Rust implementation of gray-matter. Parses YAML, JSON, TOML and support for custom parsers. Use it and let me know by giving it ...
utility to parse the YAML front matter in a vfile
A Jekyll plugin to test frontmatter on posts and other documents in a Jekyll site.
Typesafe front matter
#博客#Proof-of-Concept for rendering MDX files using Next.js 13 and next-mdx-remote
Quick and easy CLI journaling tool for Github wiki journals.
🌟 The Flexible & Functional Frontmatter Solution.
Separates a files front matter from its content
A MkDocs plugin that lets you exclude/include docs files using globs, regexes, gitignore-style file and Markdown/FrontMatter tags metadata.
Generates JSON from static files [stable]
Syncing between markdown + yaml frontmatter and CardDAV
#博客#Next Generation PHP Markdown Website - Flatifle CMS - Static Site Generator Alternative run on PHP
Finally, my website. Working on.. i18n for Ukrainian Projects with simple CMS like (Frontmatter CMS or Obsidian)