Chef Infra, a powerful automation platform that transforms infrastructure into code automating how infrastructure is configured, deployed and managed across any environment, at any scale
翻译 - Chef Infra,一个功能强大的自动化平台,可将基础架构转换为代码,从而自动在任何环境,任何规模上配置,部署和管理基础架构
Testinfra test your infrastructures
Development repository for the docker cookbook
翻译 - Docker厨师食谱
Configuration management tool inspired by Chef, but simpler and lightweight. Formerly known as Lightchef.
翻译 - 受Chef启发的配置管理工具,但更简单,轻巧。前身为Lightchef。
Development repository for the elasticsearch cookbook
翻译 - Elasticsearch厨师食谱
Write RSpec examples and generate coverage reports for Chef recipes!
翻译 - 编写RSpec示例,并生成厨师食谱的覆盖率报告!
My default LAMP development stack for Vagrant
翻译 - 我对Vagrant的默认LAMP开发堆栈
Ohai profiles your system and emits JSON
Pentest environment deployer (kali linux + targets) using vagrant and chef.
翻译 - 使用vagrant和chef的Pentest环境部署程序(kali linux +目标)。
Development repository for the aws cookbook
翻译 - AWS Chef Cookbook的开发资料库
Immutable infrastructure for the desktop!
#计算机科学#food image to recipe with deep convolutional neural networks.
Development repository for the nginx cookbook
翻译 - Nginx食谱的开发存储库
Development repository for the rvm cookbook
Development repository for the php cookbook
This chef cookbook provides numerous security-related configurations, providing all-round base protection.
Development repository for the jenkins cookbook
翻译 - Jenkins Chef Cookbook的开发资料库
Development repository for the java cookbook
翻译 - Java Cookbook的开发库
DEPRECATED: A streamlined development and deployment workflow for Chef Infra platform.
翻译 - 用于Chef平台的简化的开发和部署工作流。