#安卓#Multitask、MultiThread(MultiConnection)、Breakpoint-resume、High-concurrency、Simple to use、Single/NotSingle-process
翻译 - 多任务,多线程(多连接),断点恢复,高并发,使用简单,单/非单进程
#安卓#PRDownloader - A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support
翻译 - PRDownloader-一个具有暂停和恢复支持的Android文件下载器库
📐 Simple, elegant and maintainable media queries in Sass
翻译 - ass在Sass中进行简单,优雅和可维护的媒体查询
Vue composition-api composable components. i18n, validation, pagination, fetch, etc. +50 different composables
Simple and powerful breakpoints for styled components and emotion.
Responsive Bootstrap Toolkit allows for easy breakpoint detection in JavaScript
Slice media queries with ease
Utility function for using breakpoints with styled-components 💅.
Just a layout framework. Design for cross-platform with ease.
GridTab is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create grid based responsive tabs https://gopalraju.github.io/gridtab
Php Debugger to run in terminal to debug your code easily.
x64dbg plugin to set breakpoints automatically to Win32/64 APIs
Universal polyfill for match media API using Expo APIs on mobile
Responsive React Flexbox (CSS Flexible Box Layout Module) grid system based heavily on the standard CSS API.
Basic Table jQuery or Vanilla JS plugin for simple responsive tables.
Extremely powerful Sass media query mixin. Allows you to create almost any media query you can imagine.
Light Sass lib for managing your font-size, margin, padding, and position values across breakpoints.
翻译 - Light Sass lib用于管理跨断点的字体大小,边距,填充和位置值。
Breakpoint - A Flutter plugin to calculate the material design breakpoints. Maintainer: @rodydavis