MJML: the only framework that makes responsive-email easy
翻译 - MJML:唯一使响应电子邮件变得容易的框架
React component library to generate the HTML emails on the fly
ReactJS and NodeJS SaaS boilerplate for your next SaaS application 🔜🔛🔝
翻译 - 下一个SaaS应用程序的ReactJS和NodeJS SaaS样板plate
💌 Transactional email that feels different
.NET Fork of MJML library with 10x performance and 100% feature parity
A collection of email templates coded in MJML
This repo is archived. MJML preview, lint, compile for Visual Studio Code.
A boilerplate to quickly get started when creating your own component
Elixir NIF bindings for the MJML Rust implementation (mrml)
MERN stack application for appointment booking and employee/client management
The utility belt for MJML developers
Create, send, preview, edit and test email campaigns from within Wagtail