A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
#学习与技能提升#A curated list of inclusive events/projects/initiatives for women in the tech area. 💝
包含语言考试、选校定位、申请经验的留学知识库,一站式助力姊妹留学。欢迎姊妹们补充,集思广益,经验共享。This repository aims to empower women pursuing academic journeys overseas. It serves as a knowledge base covering language exams, school selection, a...
This repository consists of tech resources and opportunities which could be useful for students interested in computer science. It also hosts non-tech sources which could be useful for anyone.🔥💻👨�...
翻译 - 该存储库包含技术资源和机会,这些资源和机会可能对对计算机科学感兴趣的学生有用。它还包含非技术资源,这可能对任何人都有用。
국내외 테크 분야 여성들의 활약상을 아카이빙 합니다.
We're a group of women and non-binary ReactJS enthusiasts in New York City (and beyond).
Awesome design & development tools, books, podcasts, and blogs made by women.
Collection of data-structures and algorithms along with resources and guidelines for mastering coding
A list of developer conferences for women.
Materials from LSH members' tutorials/talks.
Website for She's Coding, a non-profit for women in tech
#前端开发#A community list of women in web3 developers, advocates, and CTOs to inspire the next generation of incoming devs.
#安卓#One app for all women that covers everything from safety to health and more. 👩💪
#计算机科学#NYC WiMLDS scikit-learn open source sprint (Aug 24, 2019)
This is a resource list that members of ACM-W's Manipal Chapter have put together for Engineering Undergraduate students in India that includes scholarships and internship opportunities.
⭐ My first 3D shooter game, made with LibGDX ⭐
AccessibilityMentor helps newcomers as well as more experienced accessibility advocates become better in their field.
#计算机科学#This repository contains curated, useful resources drafted by DSC Domain Leads.