The acronym STEM refers to the academic disciplines of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The idea of STEM education is to teach students in these four disciplines with an interdisciplinary and applied approach. The acronym was coined by the United States National Science Foundation in 2001 to encourage schools to teach these subjects in an integrated way. The purpose of STEM education is to prepare students for the jobs of the future. STEM education has been implemented in schools across the United States and around the world.
七牛发布 Go+ 语言,兼容 Go 语言的同时,有着比 Go 语言更低的学习门槛,并且突破了 Go 语言目前多用于服务端开发领域的限制,适配数据科学领域。
An open source quadruped robot pet framework for developing Boston Dynamics-style four-legged robots that are perfect for STEM, coding & robotics education, IoT robotics applications, AI-enhanced robo...
翻译 - 用于STEM教育和AI增强服务的可编程且高度机动的机器猫。
#编辑器#MCreator is software used to make Minecraft Java Edition mods, Bedrock Edition Add-Ons, and data packs using visual graphical programming or integrated IDE. It is used worldwide by Minecraft players, ...
翻译 - MCreator是用于使用可视化图形编程或集成IDE制作Minecraft Java Edition mod,Bedrock Edition附加组件和数据包的软件。
A FREE comprehensive online Python development tutorial FOR KIDS utilizing an official BBC micro:bit Development Board going step-by-step into the world of Python for microcontrollers.
翻译 - 利用官方的BBC micro:bit开发委员会为孩子提供的全面,免费的在线Python开发课程,逐步进入微控制器的Python世界。
A collection of resources for women in tech, consisting of - courses, learning guides, amazing sites and repos, blogs, programs and events. scholarships, etc.
#自然语言处理#This repo contains evaluation code for the paper "MMMU: A Massive Multi-discipline Multimodal Understanding and Reasoning Benchmark for Expert AGI"
CubeSatSim, the AMSAT CubeSat Simulator
Covers all things student career, internships, and industry context
PreTeXt: an authoring and publishing system for scholarly documents
#计算机科学#Scientific analysis of nanoscale materials imaging data
речник с грижливо подбирани преводи на често срещани понятия от света на ИТ. приемат се предложения. прочетете по-долу как можете дас е включите.
In this repository you will find TinyML course syllabi, assignments/labs, code walkthroughs, links to student projects, and lecture videos (where applicable).
#学习与技能提升#An awesome list of resources for specific science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) classes that students and teachers can use to supplement their learning
#自然语言处理#NLP Functions for amplifying negations, managing elisions, creating ngrams, stems, phonetic codes to tokens and more.
This repository holds the Google Colabs for the EdX TinyML Specialization