#学习与技能提升#An awesome list of events and fellowship opportunities for Computer Science students
包含语言考试、选校定位、申请经验的留学知识库,一站式助力姊妹留学。欢迎姊妹们补充,集思广益,经验共享。This repository aims to empower women pursuing academic journeys overseas. It serves as a knowledge base covering language exams, school selection, a...
A list of awesome PyTorch scholarship articles, guides, blogs, courses and other resources.
翻译 - 一系列很棒的PyTorch奖学金文章,指南,博客,课程和其他资源。
A list of tech conferences that provide diversity travel grants/scholarships 💛
This repository consists of tech resources and opportunities which could be useful for students interested in computer science. It also hosts non-tech sources which could be useful for anyone.🔥💻👨�...
翻译 - 该存储库包含技术资源和机会,这些资源和机会可能对对计算机科学感兴趣的学生有用。它还包含非技术资源,这可能对任何人都有用。
#Awesome#An archive for NILM papers with source code and other supplemental material
조별과제 때마다 "나무위키 꺼라."라고 말하시는게 피곤하신 여러분을 위해 만들어진 Browser Extension, 나무위키를 꺼 드립니다.
A curated Diversity-Index of grants, scholarships and FA that encourages diversity in STEM fields aimed at half the world's population, Women!
My notes on PyTorch Scholarship Challenge [Phase 1] 2018/2019
A curated list of open source software for Catholic theology
#计算机科学#This project focuses on best practices of object-oriented programming, AWS AI Services, AWS DeepLens, AWS DeepRacer, and AWS DeepComposer.
Udacity Grow with Google challenge scholarship program
รวมทุนศึกษาต่างประเทศในสาขาคอมพิวเตอร์และสาขาอื่นๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้อง
#数据仓库#Open Research Data do-a-thon in London & Virtual - March 4th & 5th
This is a repo for my Bertelsmann Data Science Scholarship Challenge: notes, exercises, quizzes.
#前端开发#Tech-Newbies is an open source project for beginners in tech to find entry level jobs with (0-2)years experience, internships, bootcamps, free courses and many more....
FATQs in the Slack channel of Udacity's Private and Secure Scholarship Challenge.