A course on Optimization Methods
#计算机科学#Yandex SDA classes on deep learning. Version of year 2017
Web-based Communication Application for Codelabs
2019년 9월 29일에 진행되었던 C++ Korea 6회 세미나 발표 자료 및 예제 코드
#安卓#2021 Rookies 세미나
翻译 - 2021年新秀研讨会
#计算机科学#부스트캠프 AI Tech 수료생 커뮤니티 event wiki
#新手入门#Material for the series of seminars on Large Language Models
A repository containing the source code of a sample project used for the "RESTful Web API development with ASP.NET Core" seminar I lectured for SoftUni.
seminar series on data science, reproducible science and open source by @maxheld83
NGSeminar on the use of Jupyter and R notebooks in biomedical research
Dieses Projekt soll dazu dienen, eine Vorlage für Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten, die an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg verfasst werden, gemeinschaftlich zu erarbeiten und zu verbessern.
Seminar (Open) Discovery: Wir bauen uns einen Bibliothekskatalog (WS 2016/17 an der HAW Hamburg, Modulangebot Informationstechnologie für die Studiengänge Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement (BIM)...
This repository contains teaching materials for Data Analytics at VIT University in Vellore India