A course on Optimization Methods
#计算机科学#Yandex SDA classes on deep learning. Version of year 2017
Web-based Communication Application for Codelabs
2019년 9월 29일에 진행되었던 C++ Korea 6회 세미나 발표 자료 및 예제 코드
#安卓#2021 Rookies 세미나
翻译 - 2021年新秀研讨会
#新手入门#Material for the series of seminars on Large Language Models
#计算机科学#부스트캠프 AI Tech 수료생 커뮤니티 event wiki
A repository containing the source code of a sample project used for the "RESTful Web API development with ASP.NET Core" seminar I lectured for SoftUni.
seminar series on data science, reproducible science and open source by @maxheld83
NGSeminar on the use of Jupyter and R notebooks in biomedical research
Dieses Projekt soll dazu dienen, eine Vorlage für Seminar-, Bachelor- oder Masterarbeiten, die an der Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg verfasst werden, gemeinschaftlich zu erarbeiten und zu verbessern.
Seminar (Open) Discovery: Wir bauen uns einen Bibliothekskatalog (WS 2016/17 an der HAW Hamburg, Modulangebot Informationstechnologie für die Studiengänge Bibliotheks- und Informationsmanagement (BIM)...
Aplikasi Pendaftaran Webinar (Seminar) untuk memenuhi salah satu syarat Ujian Akhir Semester mata kuliah Pengembangan Aplikasi Web UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung.
This repository contains teaching materials for Data Analytics at VIT University in Vellore India