#Awesome#A reading list for the modern critical programmer
Neon Modem Overdrive
A platform for livestreamers to make a home for their audience.
#大语言模型#🐵 Greasemonkey userscripts
Allow accepted answers on topics
翻译 - 允许接受有关主题的答案
Adds the ability for voting on a topic within a specified category in Discourse.
#自然语言处理#[EMNLP 2021] LingFeat - A Comprehensive Linguistic Features Extraction ToolKit for Readability Assessment
A basic OAuth2 plugin for use with Discourse
#自然语言处理#IndoLEM is a comprehensive Indonesian NLU benchmark, comprising three pillars NLP task: morpho-syntax, semantic, and discourse. Presented in COLING 2020.
SQL Queries for admins in Discourse
#网络爬虫#Scrape posts, threads from forums, news aggregators, mail archives, export to JSONL, mailbox, WARC
An AI bot with RAG capability for Topics and Chat in Discourse, currently powered by OpenAI
Adds the ability to create a dynamic calendar in the first post of a topic.