#面试#该仓库整理了具有良好面试体验的公司列表,这些公司面试内容贴近实际工作,而非八股文,依靠 HackerRank/Leetcode 刷题
Welcome Hiring Process & Exercises - heywelcome.com
#算法刷题#Intern practice question
Small API to process additions to https://github.com/poteto/hiring-without-whiteboards and push them into an Airtable
Information about career and technical job opportunities in D-EDGE
Interested in joining the Jiminny Engineering team? Start here!
#面试#👨🏽💼Simple API designed to challenge interviewees with creative thinking.
ImageMover has an immediate opening for a software developer that will help build our suite of patient-focused healthcare products. This is a rare opportunity to join our passionate, highly-motivated ...
Product developer work samples - Node.js variant
work sample for product aspect, Python variant
The Take Home exercise for potential York Press developers.
Some LLD Problems that I solved either for practice or I encountered
A small test for design and development applicants
work sample for data aspect, Apache Spark variant