FCC China open source codebase and curriculum. Learn to code and help nonprofits.
翻译 - FreeCodeCamp.cn(FCC中国)开源代码库和课程。学会编码和帮助非营利组织。
All the resources you need to get to Senior Engineer and beyond
#Awesome#Curated list of 20,000+ hours and 200+ free courses with certificates in IT, CS, Design and Business.
#Awesome#👔 How to transition from software development to engineering management
Compilation of resources for aspiring data scientists
翻译 - 收集的资源和见解对我的数据科学家之旅有所帮助
#新手入门#📚 The starting point of your career as a Software Quality Assurance Engineer | Quality Automation Engineer 📚
#新手入门#A FREE pragmatic DevOps learning to kickstart your DevOps career and knowledge in the Cloud Native era following the Agile MVP style! ⭐ (2025 plans for DevOps, Cloud, Platform, SRE, SWE)
A guide for technical professionals looking to start consulting
#计算机科学#Career Resources for Data Science, Machine Learning, Big Data and Business Analytics Career Repository
翻译 - 数据科学,机器学习,大数据和业务分析职业资源库的职业资源
A sample of career ladders I use for my organization, open sourced for anyone.
#前端开发#A career guide to Front End Developers
Informações sobre a comunidade da Rocketseat
#Awesome#⚠️ Mirrored from https://gitea.zoemp.be/sansguidon/bookmarks ! 🔖 +5K awesome resources for geeks and software crafters 🍺
Informações gerais sobre o Centro de Treinamento
A comprehensive and long list of things a modern scientist is supposed to know
Conceitos e modelos para ajudar estruturar carreira em empresas de tecnologia.
Dúvidas, dicas e sugestões gerais sobre carreira na área de desenvolvimento de software