#Awesome#📚 每个人都应阅读的图书。内容覆盖人文历史、教育科学、经济政治等方方面面
#计算机科学#🕵 Artificial Intelligence for social control of public administration | **This repository does not receive frequent updates. Check out the README**
翻译 - 🕵人工智能用于公共管理的社会控制
#Awesome#👔 How to transition from software development to engineering management
#网络爬虫#📰 Diários oficiais brasileiros acessíveis a todos | 📰 Brazilian government gazettes, accessible to everyone.
Building a Better Democracy for the Internet Age
翻译 - 为互联网时代建立更好的民主
A repository to monitor attack vectors from state-backed information operations
翻译 - 用于监视来自状态支持的信息操作的攻击媒介的存储库
Frontend for the 5calls.org site
翻译 - 5calls.org网站的前端
Open source for http://trumptracker.github.io/
#前端开发#An open-source activism platform
data for national legislatures worldwide
翻译 - 全世界国家立法机关的数据
Keeping tabs on the UK's parliaments and assemblies
Play detective on Reddit: Discover political disinformation campaigns, secret influencers and more
#数据仓库#Repositório do serviço de Dados Abertos da Câmara. Consulte as "Issues" para atendimento a dúvidas e sugestões.
DEPRECATED. Simple app that displays contact information for US Congress representatives by district.
#Awesome#FAL (Frequently Asked Links) list so you stop asking these everywhere. It covers 99% your internet needs.
A Swiss version of the famous visualization «Land doesn't vote, people do.»
Comprehensive open-source intelligence platform analyzing Swedish political activities using AI and data visualization. Tracks politicians, government institutions, and parliamentary data, offering de...
Repository of NosDéputés.fr : the french parliamentary monitoring website