#安卓#A full-featured immersion language learning suite for mobile.
📘Super fast browser dictionary
A collection of exercises for practicing what is taught in Genki: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese.
翻译 - 练习练习《元气:初级日语综合课程》的一系列练习。
An otaku index for everything! ⭐ Star the project if you like it!
📚 Japanese and Chinese dictionaries for Yomitan.
rikaikun is a Chrome extension that helps you to read Japanese web pages by showing the reading and English definition of Japanese words when you hover over them.
Japanese language data on kanji, radicals, media files, fonts and related resources from Kanji alive
JL is a program for looking up Japanese words and expressions.
A JSON kanji dataset with updated JLPT levels and WaniKani information
A Discord bot for helping with learning Japanese.
A chrome extension for adding furigana to annotate the tweets
Python 3 library for manipulating Jim Breen's JMdict, KanjiDic2, JMnedict and kanji-radical mappings
JMdict, JMnedict, KANJIDIC for Yomitan/Yomichan.
🔳 A browser extension that adds furigana to Japanese text on any page, for learning kanji pronunciation.
Japanese immersion assistant for learners (Windows/Linux)