翻译 - yolo3 + ocr
身份证自动识别,银行卡识别,驾驶证识别,行驶证识别,根据百度文字识别 api 封装,能快速识别身份证信息,银行卡信息,驾驶证信息,行驶证信息,使用非常方便
Watermark KTP is a free and secure web-based tool that allows you to add a watermark to your scanned KTP (Indonesian ID card).
翻译 - 在身份证上添加水印的简单工具。
China ID number validator. - 中国身份证号验证器。
🇨🇳中国大陆第二代身份证 🆔 识别,自动读出身份证上的信息(姓名、性别、民族、住址、身份证号码)并截取身份证照片, iOS开发者交流:①群:446310206 ②群:426087546
A simple proof of identity card of the people's Republic of China.
#安卓#On-Device ID Card & Passport & Driver License Recognition SDK for Android
#人脸识别#A program to align rotated id cards and extract user data from it.
nopixel 4.0 inspired identity card (id card) script using inventories metadata
This Project is very helpful in creating a digital identity card for a company or an organization and it is integrated with a QR code to maintain person identity unique and can accessed by other digit...