The conventional commits specification
翻译 - 常规提交规范
🏡 The Homie Convention: a lightweight MQTT convention for the IoT
SemVer compatible version specification that has {head}.{yearweek}.{build} system.
A PHP tool built to generate a changelog from a project's commit messages and metadata following the and automate versioning with
Structure for Express based API server
🍉 An opinionated tool for making static websites with browserify
#安卓#Android Naming Convention Cheat Sheet
A simple, convention-based, endpoint per action pattern implementation for AspNetCore 3.0+ with full support for Swagger
📐 [WIP] Personal git/github guideline about commit convention, git-flow, issue/pull-request templates, etc.
A curation of tools presented at DEF CON conference each year, the world's largest hacker con.
An open and standardized way to name your devices like network equipment, network tools, hypervisors, looking glasses and PTRs.
Homie Device Discovery
commitlint-wizardoc is a configuration package for commitlint that contain some rules and plugins to check that your commit message conform to the Wizardoc convention.
📒 《LaTeX 正誤手冊》 —— Manual of LaTeX typographical and typesetting conventions.
Minecraft 公益服务器公约 / The convention of nonprofit Minecraft servers.
A website created for a gaming event using a design from Behance.