📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
翻译 - :package :: rocket:全自动版本管理和软件包发布
The Conventional Commits toolbox
Python package to work with Semantic Versioning (https://semver.org/)
please is semver release made easy, detects current version from API or tags and next version from commits, creates detailed changelogs that are configurable.
A semantic-release plugin for publishing packages to AWS CodeArtifact
Provides high-level access to socket options like TCP_KEEPINTVL, TCP_KEEPCNT and TCP_USER_TIMEOUT for node js.
A github action to ensure your current gitlog respect the conventional commit specification
Dead simple template manager for FastAPI applications
A gradle plugin to automate your releases with Git.
Tooling for conventional commit messages
Create semver tags and releases. Decide with version to increment.
Semantic versioning without any config
Automate semantic versioning of Git repositories by analyzing their formatted commit history and tagging them with the right semver.
A simple semantic Versioning 2.0.0 management tool based on Conventional Commits. It automatically derive and manage version numbers and generate angular-style change logs.
A simple semantic Versioning 2.0.0 management tool based on Conventional Commits. It automatically derive and manage version numbers and generate angular-style change logs.
Action for releasing using SemVer + Conventional Commits
Parse git history and generate changelog. Calculate the next version based on semver and conventional commits. Parse changelog files and extract changes for a given version.
Github action that compares versions based on the previous semantic version tag and the latest tag i.e (major, minor, patch, prerelease, build)
Manipulating versions is easy! versionner helps manipulating version of the project. With one command you can update all required files and git with new version.
📓 Automatic Semantic Versioniser & 📑Change Tracker. ➥ This tool can be easily integrated with any git project through Github Actions to take the burden of manual updating of software versions from...