📦🚀 Fully automated version management and package publishing
翻译 - :package :: rocket:全自动版本管理和软件包发布
Release engineering, simplified
翻译 - 尽可能快速,轻松地交付Go二进制文件
🚀 Automate versioning and package publishing
翻译 - 🚀自动进行版本控制和包发布
#效率工具集合#The only Kubernetes dashboard you need
翻译 - Kubernetes 的软件交付工作流
Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master.
翻译 - Drafts your next release notes as pull requests are merged into master.
Create committing rules for projects 🚀 auto bump versions ⬆️ and auto changelog generation 📂
🛠 Python project template generator with batteries included
A helper for releasing from gradle up to bintray
📦 shippable application packaging
An Action to create releases via the GitHub Release API
翻译 - 通过GitHub Release API创建发布的动作
The blessed GitHub Action, for publishing your 📦 distribution files to PyPI, the tokenless way: https://github.com/marketplace/actions/pypi-publish
Node module to create a release or a changelog from a tag and uses issues or commits to creating the release notes.
gradle-release is a plugin for providing a Maven-like release process for projects using Gradle
Manage the release notes for your project.
A GitHub action that builds your release notes / changelog fast, easy and exactly the way you want.
READONLY: Auto-generated mirror for https://github.com/marvinpinto/actions/tree/master/packages/automatic-releases
Automated changelog tool for preparing releases with lots of customization options
An Action to upload a release asset via the GitHub Release API
:electron: GitHub Action for building and releasing Electron apps
A gulp 4 plugin to publish contents to Github pages