A highly customizable macOS status bar replacement
Dynamic Island on iPhone 14 Pro implementation on Mac using Sketchybar
My dotfiles for Neovim, yabai, SketchyBar
#编辑器#[macOS] custom settings/theming for wm, bar, term, shell, editor, browser, etc.
macOS menu bar replacement, with yabai and AeroSpace support
❄️ mi casa es tu casa [mirrored repository]
⚙️ My configuration files for macOS ricing
#编辑器#My Personalised Development Environment
Config files tweaked to my dev environment needs in MacOS - nvim, tmux, wezterm, yabai, skhd
my personal dotfiles
An updated collection of useful dotfiles, utilities, and scripts that forms refcell's devx.
Personal dotfiles for MacOS with Aerospace + Borders + Sketchybar