A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus.
翻译 - 基于Rofi的自定义小程序和菜单。
For automated installation of Hyprland on Arch Linux or any Arch Linux-based distros
Hyprland configuration files or dotfiles - This repo is used as main repo for all my Distro-Hyprland Install Scripts. See the readme
For automated installation of Hyprland on Fedora (latest release) or any Fedora based distros
The best and strongest dotfiles. Editor: Neovim; Shell: zsh(zinit, powerlevel10k); Terminal: WezTerm; Desktop: Hyprland, ulauncher, dunst; OS: ArchLinux (Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS)
✨ Hyprland + Waybar with Catppuccin theme • Arch Linux
🦂 Soothing pastel theme for Rofi
Automated Hyprland Install script for OpenSuse Tumbleweed. All gpu supported
#编辑器#Config files for Linux, i3-gaps, polybar, vim, tmux, zsh, alacritty, rofi & more
To Automate Installation of Hyprland on NixOS using flakes. NOTE: Dot configs are not written in Nix.
Vire um mago do Linux usando window manager. Become a Linux wizard using window manager. i3wm fan guide in portuguese.
A full-screen power menu for Linux with a blur effect, made with Rofi.
Dotfiles repository of my setups on Arch Linux 🌙
personal tokyo night theming
💻 Nothing here just some Dot files
Hyprland rice with everforest colorscheme
My configuration for Fedora i3 Spin with Gruvbox color scheme.