A simple bash script to set wallpapers according to current time, using cron job scheduler.
Dynamic theming of Firefox (and Thunderbird) using your Pywal colors
Automatic color scheme generator from your wallpaper for KDE Plasma powered by Material You
🎨📖 A script that dynamically generates a zathura colorscheme based on the current wal colors.
#编辑器#💀 A Hackable, Fully Featured, Rice Friendly Neovim Configuration
An intensively worked on, and highly customized personal linux config
Automated Hyprland Install script for OpenSuse Tumbleweed. All gpu supported
☁️ From tty to production in one command, on the desktop and in the cloud.
🎨 Apply your Emacs theme to the rest of Linux, using magic. Also works on Mac.
Hyprland Arch config based on pywal
#编辑器#pywal.nvim is a reimplementation of pywal.vim to support a few lua plugins like nvim-tree, telescope, bufferline, etc
CLI for configuring Razer devices