A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus.
翻译 - 基于Rofi的自定义小程序和菜单。
A huge collection of polybar themes with different styles, colors and variants.
#安卓#Setup A Beautiful Desktop/GUI In Termux
翻译 - 在Termux中设置漂亮的桌面/ GUI
A simple bash script to set wallpapers according to current time, using cron job scheduler.
Simple bash script to set wallpaper according to battery percentage with charging animations.
Create an ultimate multiboot USB flash drive with Grub2 bootloader
Simple script to change color-schemes and fonts for Termite.
Simple script to change color-schemes and fonts for kitty terminal.
Zsh Theme of ArchCraft..
Updated Dotfiles for my previous rice but with new theme structure according to the new Archcraft Update :)
Theme Dracula for Arch craft with openbox
Resolve Bluetooth issues on ArchLinux, errors like "No default controller available" during scans.