A huge collection of Rofi based custom Applets, Launchers & Powermenus.
翻译 - 基于Rofi的自定义小程序和菜单。
BSPWM environment with 18 themes. With a theme selector to change on the fly.
🦂 Soothing pastel theme for Rofi
An arctic, north-bluish clean and elegant rofi color theme.
Seraphic Dotfiles, includes rofi, sddm, spicetify, hyprlock themes
To Automate Installation of Hyprland on NixOS using flakes. NOTE: Dot configs are not written in Nix.
BSPWM Configurations for exodia
Simple and practical tokyonight theme for rofi
#编辑器#Vim / NeoVim theme that is a marriage of Tokyo Night and Nord Theme. And they went on honeymoon to Kyoto I guess. Dark, elegant, and easy on the eyes.
[DEPRECATED!] My configurations for bspwm, chadwm and some others applications (it's so beautiful, I love this!!)
A full-screen power menu for Linux with a blur effect, made with Rofi.
Hyprland rice with everforest colorscheme
Spotify controls in rofi.
My configuration for Fedora i3 Spin with Gruvbox color scheme.
BSPWM Config For Exodia OS Predator Release