Hyprland configuration files or dotfiles - This repo is used as main repo for all my Distro-Hyprland Install Scripts. See the readme
✨ Hyprland + Waybar with Catppuccin theme • Arch Linux
Hyprland Config Files
To Automate Installation of Hyprland on NixOS using flakes. NOTE: Dot configs are not written in Nix.
Hyprland Arch config based on pywal
Hyprland Dots As I use for my daily driver
dotfiles for my hyprland setup!
Dotfiles for my hyprland installs
My Everforest/Catppuccin/Rose Pine config for Hyprland!
Hyprland DotFiles
My desktop(Arch Linux + Hyprland) and laptop(MacOS) configs
Modern Hyprland and dots configuration for Void Linux
Hyprland rice with everforest colorscheme
Dots for r/unixporn post:
My config file for Hyprland