Hyprland configuration files or dotfiles - This repo is used as main repo for all my Distro-Hyprland Install Scripts. See the readme
The best and strongest dotfiles. Editor: Neovim; Shell: zsh(zinit, powerlevel10k); Terminal: WezTerm; Desktop: Hyprland, ulauncher, dunst; OS: ArchLinux (Ubuntu/Fedora/CentOS)
Dynamic and elegant desktop setup inspired by Material You, featuring auto-generated colors, fluid animations, and ripple effects for a cohesive, customizable user experience.
Linux 🐧 configuration based on NixOS ❄️, Hyprland, and Catppuccin Macchiato theme 😸 for a consistent, complete, and customizable experience. 🚀
✨ Hyprland + Waybar with Catppuccin theme • Arch Linux
My dotfiles of Linux Environment
Nixy is a Hyprland NixOS configuration with home-manager, secrets and custom theming all in one place. It's a simple way to manage your system configuration and dotfiles.
Hyprland Config Files
Automated Hyprland Install script for OpenSuse Tumbleweed. All gpu supported
A LSP server for Hyprland config files [maintainer=@gwennlbh]
To Automate Installation of Hyprland on NixOS using flakes. NOTE: Dot configs are not written in Nix.
Hyprland Arch config based on pywal
Gruvbox inspired Arch Linux Hyprland rice.
The Graphical Interface that i Like to interact with. [Hyprland+Waybar+Much tools].
A re-structured Script and some features - This is a multiple waybar layout with Dark Light function based from my Hyprland-v3
Hyprland Dots As I use for my daily driver