config manager based on Git
Hyprland configuration files or dotfiles - This repo is used as main repo for all my Distro-Hyprland Install Scripts. See the readme
🌚 Modular and easy to customize dotfiles framework
.files and environment configuration manager created with node
dotman is a simple, elegant & easy to use dotfiles manager 🖖🏽
Provides the functionality of GNU Stow in a cross platform CLI tool and python module
bspwm dotfiles
🖥️ 🚀 Your dotfiles are how you personalize your system. These are mine. 😎
Stop using! Start using install.yml! DAJE...
Divine.dotfiles: The Bash framework for dotfiles and everything Bash
Configuration for ZSH based on zinit. Focused on coloring outputs and interactive selections.
Configs Wallpapers Look and Feel for DWM, i3WM, Sway, OpenBox, Fluxbox and very more
Automate new Mac setup
Ultimate dotfiles framework
~ • My dotfiles 🧰
Fully automated dev environment setup with dotfiles
🛠 A collection of C++, Python & Rust development-oriented config scripts to quickly init new machines 💻 for my personal use. Dotfiles are in a separate repository here: