MacOS like theme for all gtk based desktops
翻译 - MacOS Big Sur类似Gnome台式机的主题
A Material Design theme for GNOME/GTK based desktop environments
翻译 - 基于GNOME / GTK的桌面环境的Material Design主题
The theme from libadwaita ported to GTK-3
翻译 - 来自 libadwaita 的主题移植到 GTK-3
Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
A modern flat theme with a combination of light and dark elements.
翻译 - 融合了明暗元素的现代扁平主题。
🪟 Soothing pastel theme for GTK3/4
翻译 - catpuccin 的 GTK 主题。为大众准备的温暖黑暗主题!
Windows 10 Light theme for Linux (GTK)
翻译 - Windows 10 Light适用于Linux(GTK)的主题
Themes for GTK, gnome-shell and more.
翻译 - GTK,gnome-shell等主题。
My miserable dotfiles for Xfce
A theme for GNOME/Budgie/Xfce/Cinnamon desktop with elementary-ish aesthetics.
🎨 My personal KDE customization
just a bunch of gtk theme that i use
Mono Firefox Theme for Linux
A flat theme with transparent elements. Based on the Arc theme:
A collection of dotfiles and icons from the r/unixporn community
A blueish oceanic color scheme for various applications
Minimalistic GTK themes
翻译 - 简约GTK主题
My monochromatic rice for BSPWM on arch linux
Simple and clean gtk theme