Change the look of Adwaita, with ease
Neovim colorscheme using Gnome Adwaita syntax
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pywal16 templates for adw-gtk3, libadwaita, gradience, qt5ct, qt6ct, kvantum kvlibadwaita
Discover a curated collection of Adwaita-styled themes to make non-GNOME applications more consistent with GNOME
🖌️ A clean and elegant GTK3+ theme that uses Arc styling and the Adwaita colour palette.
翻译 - 简洁优雅的GTK3 +主题,采用弧形样式和Adwaita调色板。它有两个变体,旨在匹配Adwaita shell主题。
A VLC media player Skin with Yaru theme. The skin is based on GNOME-style client-side decorations (CSD) initiative.
A modern Ambiance replacement that keeps Ubuntu's identity while staying upstream.
Make Adwaita Great Again! (Or, at the very least, tweakable.)
Projet de démarrage d'application desktop Dart/Flutter visant les distributions GNU/Linux
Adwaita QSS style sheet for PyQt