Graphical application for generating different color variations of Oomox (Numix-based) theme (GTK2, GTK3, Cinnamon, GNOME, Openbox, Xfwm), Archdroid, Gnome-Color, Numix, Papirus and Suru++ icon themes...
Here is my aether dotfiles openbox version
just a bunch of gtk theme that i use
Swiss army theme changer from .Xresources
personal tokyo night theming
🪟 Soothing pastel theme for Openbox
A theme for Openbox WM based in Dracula's color scheme.
A cosmic theme for your computer. 🚀🌌
A openbox theme with Nord color palette
A minimal flat GTK3 and openbox theme based on OS X and iA Writer. This is part of the Typewriter Suite
RaspberryPiOS PiXflat modified theme and icons for LXDE (Openbox) / XFCE (xfwm4) / GNOME (GTK)
Install Arch linux using these simple scripts. Inclusing base, DE and dotfiles.
Install Openbox based Desktop environment with tweaks and dotfiles
Build a GUI in termux to experience using Windows on Android Linux
OpenboxWM dotfiles. Anime themed
My collection of themes and color schemes designed from scracth or inspirate on ..
Build Desktop on your portable android device
A neon flat theme based on arc-theme