OWASP Mutillidae II is a free, open-source, deliberately vulnerable web application providing a target for web-security training. This is an easy-to-use web hacking environment designed for labs, secu...
翻译 - OWASP Mutillidae II是一个免费的,开放源代码,故意易受攻击的Web应用程序,它是Web安全爱好者的目标。可以使用LAMP,WAMP和XAMMP将Mutillidae安装在Linux和Windows上。它已预安装在SamuraiWTF和OWASP BWA上。可以在这些平台上更新现有版本。具有数十个漏洞和提示来帮助用户;这是一个易于使用的Web黑客环境,设计用于实验室,安全爱好者,教室,CTF和漏洞评估工具目标。 Mutillidae已用于研究生安全课程,公司网络sec培训课程中,并作为漏洞评估软件的“评估评估者”目标。
Windows 10 Light theme for Linux (GTK)
翻译 - Windows 10 Light适用于Linux(GTK)的主题
Dark variant of Windows 10 theme
PDQ Deploy Scripts, Tools, Utilities ... For IT daily Administration
#IOS#iOS theme for Linux desktops
Mac OS theme with the Aqua design guidelines
All-in-one AMD driver dwords for performance uplift.
This Repository contain solutions to HackerRank 30 Days Of Code Challenge, 10 days of javascript,10 days of statistics,java,sql.
Fix ALL your Windows Store Problems, Reinstall Windows Store with a Single Script. Fix Windows Store on Windows 10 and Windows 11.
#下载器#Gives you a more powerful and useful context menu for your UWP Windows 10 app.
Windows On Raspi Image Create Copies Windows 10 On Arm ISO and Required Raspberry Pi Drivers on to a SD Card that the User Selected, Requires VS 2017 15.8 (But may work with 15.7)
Solaris 10 GTK theme for Linux