#面试#A crowd sourced collection of interview questions asked in Bangladeshi Tech companies
A remake of the libretro melonDS core that prioritizes standalone parity, reliability, and usability.
A Nintendo DS binary loader for Ghidra
#计算机科学#Azure Machine Learning SDK for R
Open Source Hardware HDMI into MIPI DSI-2 converter, Source code for HDMI-To-MIPI, use TC358870XBG and STM32F103C8T6. ...
PDQ Deploy Scripts, Tools, Utilities ... For IT daily Administration
Automatically downloads, extracts and places files used for DSi modding
The Cross-Platform Flipnote Encoder and Signer written in .NET! Available for Windows, Linux and OsX
Some people may know it as FlipnoteDesktop, a fan-made PC version of Flipnote Studio.
A Wii and DSi NUS Downloader and WAD Generator for Python 3 (discontinued, also see "rewrite" branch)
Flipnote Studio Player for Nintendo DS
DSi dev/factory program information and downloads
Contains the front-end component DSIbin, its DSIcore algorithm implementation, and the DSIref type-refinement component