Homebrew development library for Nintendo 3DS/Horizon OS user mode (Arm11)
Examples for 3DS using devkitARM, libctru, citro3d and citro2d
Homebrew low level graphics API for Nintendo Switch (Nvidia Tegra X1)
Homebrew PICA200 GPU wrapper library for Nintendo 3DS
Counter Strike Demake/Remake on Nintendo DS
Amiibo emulation UI the Nintendo Switch
Library for drawing 2D graphics using the Nintendo 3DS's PICA200 GPU
A homebrew Pokémon nds game; written from scratch using libnds and devkitPro
An ebook reader for the Nintendo DS, DS Lite, and DSi.
Homebrew PICA200 shader assembler
A Mario Odyssey tool built off Dear ImGui for developers, level builders, glitch hunters, and everyone in-between
Multi-functional file manager for the Nintendo Switch
Cave Story for Nintendo DS, w/ multiplayer and mods
Hybrid Switch/PC Example Application using GLFW
A template for developing Nintendo DS homebrew in Visual Studio Code.
Flipnote Studio Player for Nintendo DS