Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
翻译 - 动画墙纸:将视频,网页,游戏,模拟器变成Windows墙纸。
💦 Make any website your Mac desktop wallpaper
A simple bash script to set wallpapers according to current time, using cron job scheduler.
Sucrose is a versatile wallpaper engine that brings life to your desktop with a wide range of interactive wallpapers.
A powerful open source live wallpaper app for mac
Simple bash script to set wallpaper according to battery percentage with charging animations.
Windows 10 Dynamic Wallpaper Engine API without UI. Support video, HTML, EXE, IMG wallpaper. | 巨应动态壁纸引擎
A lightweight app that displays animated wallpapers on Windows and Linux
Use multiple videos, images, and weather as background, with mute, hide, text, and cherry blossom, rain, snow, firefly, and butterfly animations. 用多个视频、图片、天气作背景,支持静音、隐藏内容、文字,以及樱花、雨、雪、萤火虫和蝴蝶动画
Material You color generation algorithms in python.
#安卓#Android- Automatically change wallpaper on Screen lock/unlock
A wayland wallpaper tool with support for GNOME dynamic wallpapers
Get fresh, personal AI painted wallpapers on your phone or computer. Paints by using your current city, weather and even your recent experiences. Powered by Khoj AI
Free and open-source software that allows users to set animated desktop wallpapers and screensavers powered by WinUI 3.
Effortlessly transform your Windows desktop with macOS - inspired dynamic wallpapers based on the sun's position, featuring low resource use and seamless integration!
Color-changing live wallpaper with Java and OpenGL.
macOS Catalina dynamic wallpaper for Ubuntu 18.04 and later
Make any livecam as your Mac desktop wallpaper
Window Capture + Dynamic Wallpaper = Good Experience