🎉 performant confetti animation in the browser
Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
Desktop that changes based on weather & time
#数据仓库#A curated list of Earth Science's Artificial Intelligence (AI) tutorials, notebooks, software, datasets, courses, books, video lectures and papers. Contributions most welcome.
LiDAR snowfall simulation
#计算机科学#SeqNet: Code for the RA-L (ICRA) 2021 paper "SeqNet: Learning Descriptors for Sequence-Based Hierarchical Place Recognition"
#Awesome#This is a link list with awesome data, models, and tools around the cryosphere.
贴纸、美颜、滤镜SDK(类似Faceu,B612),由开为科技开发的KiwiFace SDK,短视频demo,支持Kiwi人脸跟踪/特效/录制。进入demo页面生成license - iOS版
Use multiple videos, images, and weather as background, with mute, hide, text, and cherry blossom, rain, snow, firefly, and butterfly animations. 用多个视频、图片、天气作背景,支持静音、隐藏内容、文字,以及樱花、雨、雪、萤火虫和蝴蝶动画
Snow Microwave Radiative Transfert model to compute thermal emission and backscatter from snowpack
React Native component to show confetti
Snowfall component for Vue.js, let it snow on your page! ❄ demo: https://fuxy526.github.io/snowf/
#安卓#Snowfall animation for Android compose
Vue component to add a snowfall on your page