Example project to draw 1million grass instances on mobile
A Node.js script to automate grass Season 2 mining.
Smart Irrigation custom component for Home Assistant
The Grass Computing Platform
Unity multiple approaches for GPU instanced grass (+ occlusion/frustum culling)
Unofficial Grass (GetGrass) and grass-node Docker images for easy deployment and management. With multiarch support (x86_64, arm64,...) and auto-updates.
Home Assistant add-ons for running passive income applications: EarnApp, Repocket, PacketStream, Honeygain, Pawns.app, Grass, Traffmonetizer
Realistic Grass Rendering using DirectX 11 and a geometry-shader based approach.
Faster raster processing in R using GRASS GIS
An adaptable, self-updating Docker stack designed for multiple platforms, utilizing Docker to manage a suite of passive income applications such as Honeygain, EarnApp, PawnsApp, PacketStream, Peer2Pro...
open source implementation of the STARS ArcGIS toolbox
Create numerous stylized grass blades with this highly performant and scalable HDRP grass asset that makes use of VFX Graph.