Multi-platform parallax wallpaper engine
Managed animated wallpaper based on X11 under Linux(Dynamic Wallpapers for Linux)
Animated Genshin Log in screen theme for SDMM
A lightweight app that displays animated wallpapers on Windows and Linux
Multi-platform parallax wallpaper engine
Set GIF images as desktop wallpapers
Lightweight util for handling animated wallpapers under X11 on Arch Linux
Set gifs as wallpaper on OS Windows
A customizable, animated wallpaper for Lively Wallpaper and the Komorebi Fork
A Tutorial to show a video on background using a compositor, using minimum requieriments
Video wallpaper for Windows.
A basic Lively wallpaper. Showing local time/date, music, audio visualiser, weather, and much more!
XAWP - X11 Animated Wallpaper Player - A program that plays animated wallapers in pure X11
Wallpaper of Kyoko Kirigiri's introduction from Danganronpa 1
Animated Windows wallpaper [especially for programmers :D ]
Night Sky is a visually captivating project that showcases animated stars and clouds, creating a serene and immersive experience. This project aims to provide users with a relaxing visual display that...