An idiomatic, lean, fast & safe pure Rust implementation of Git
🚀Memory safe, blazing fast, configurable, minimal hello world written in rust(🚀) in a few lines of code with few(1247🚀) dependencies🚀
翻译 - 🚀内存安全、极快、可配置、最小化的 hello world 用 rust(🚀) 编写,只需几行代码,几乎没有 (1091🚀) 依赖项🚀
A framework for building typesafe web backends in Rust
Make your site faster than light in <1 minute; instant page loads in 738 bytes
20x Real-time superpixel SLIC Implementation with CPU
Fast binary logger for C++
KORM, an elegant and lightning-fast ORM for all your concurrent and async needs. Inspired by the highly popular Django Framework, KORM offers similar functionality with the added bonus of performance
FancyNpcs is a simple, lightweight and fast npc plugin using packets
FancyHolograms is a simple, lightweight and fast hologram plugin using display entities
Cross-platform library to get the currently playing song and artist from Spotify w/o using the API or the internet. Very fast.
🌵A composable static site generator
#博客#Blazing fast personal website built with Astro.js and styled with Tailwind CSS.
Fast spellchecking microservice
UDP telemetry parser for the Codemasters F1 22 game
Indigo is a blazingly fast web-framework
Simple and Fast single header Bitmap (BMP) C++ library
A unique 2D-pixel art renderer with heightmaps to simulate 3d shadows and reflections
🔥 The most blazingest action to deploy your GitHub pages website
#安全#A blazingly fast, privacy-first ShareX uploader coded in Rust (using actix web) which utilizes the AES256-GCM-SIV encryption standard to securely store uploaded content.