这个项目是一个基于 Cloudflare Workers 的 Docker 镜像代理工具。它能够中转对 Docker 官方镜像仓库的请求,解决一些访问限制和加速访问的问题。
GitHub Action to build and push Docker images with Buildx
The Hunting ELK
翻译 - 狩猎麋鹿
使用Github Action将国外的Docker镜像转存到阿里云私有仓库,供国内服务器使用,免费易用
A service that analyzes docker images and scans for vulnerabilities
翻译 - 一种分析docker映像并应用用户定义的接受策略以允许自动容器映像验证和认证的服务
多平台容器镜像代理服务,支持 Docker Hub, GitHub, Google, k8s, Quay, Microsoft 等镜像仓库.
50+ DockerHub public images for Docker & Kubernetes - DevOps, CI/CD, GitHub Actions, CircleCI, Jenkins, TeamCity, Alpine, CentOS, Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, Hadoop, Kafka, ZooKeeper, HBase, Cassandra, So...
GitHub Action to login against a Docker registry
🚀 Docker 镜像代理,通过 GitHub Actions 将 docker.io、gcr.io、registry.k8s.io、k8s.gcr.io、quay.io、ghcr.io 等国外镜像转换为国内镜像加速下载
Docker image synchronization tool for Docker Registry V2 based services
80+ DevOps & Data CLI Tools - AWS, GCP, GCF Python Cloud Functions, Log Anonymizer, Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Hive, Impala, Linux, Docker, Spark Data Converters & Validators (Avro/Parquet/JSON/CSV/INI/XML...
LightMirrors is a lightweight mirror server with caching capabilities that currently supports DockerHub, K8S, PyPI, PyTorch, and NPM.
This repo covers containerization and Docker Environment: Docker File, Image, Container, Commands, Volumes, Networks, Swarm, Stack, Service, possible scenarios.
A GitHub action to update a Docker Hub repository description from README.md
#区块链#Track your cryptocurrency holdings/portfolio with an open-source web, mobile, and desktop application, along with a self-hosted RESTful API.
Repo containing the dockerfiles and scripts to produce the official eclipse-temurin containers.
🥤Docker container updates made easy
Automated Docker MISP container - Malware Information Sharing Platform and Threat Sharing