Full PHP development environment for Docker.
This repo covers containerization and Docker Environment: Docker File, Image, Container, Commands, Volumes, Networks, Swarm, Stack, Service, possible scenarios.
Springy Store is a conceptual simple μServices-based project using the latest cutting-edge technologies, to demonstrate how the Store services are created to be a cloud-native and 12-factor app agnost...
翻译 - Springy Store是一个基于概念,基于μServices的简单项目,使用最新的前沿技术来演示如何创建商店,使其成为云原生且不受12个因素影响的应用程序。这些μServices是基于Spring Boot&Cloud框架开发的,该框架实现了云原生的直观,设计模式和最佳实践。
Effortlessly deploy Docker Compose apps in production with zero downtime using an opinionated template 🛠️
Apache Airflow in Docker Compose (for both versions 1.10.* and 2.*)
A way to run a Mongo replica set locally using Docker with minimal configuration required.
Docker environment dedicated for ScandiPWA theme development
Repository for Capover One Click Apps
Stack containing majority of most used -arr apps with a VPN transmission client and Traefik for off-site use
Command-line tool to dockerize Laravel.
翻译 - 用于对Laravel进行docker化的命令行工具。
The way to start a Django project with Docker and docker-compose
Docker compose template for Laravel application
A local development setup or boilerplate for Nest.js framework with PostgreSQL and pgAdmin4 using Docker Compose.
🎬 Collection of docker-compose files for a full stack Plex Media Center
此项目是对一些实用软件的 docker-compose 化模板,旨在提供开箱即用的使用体验。欢迎大家提供宝贵建议!
A cakephp 5 template for Docker
Work in progress! 👷
ASP.NET 8 Opinionated template for fast development. Use Dev ready stack: ASP.NET 8 / C# + Docker + Zitadel + PostreSQL
An Overly Complex Random Number Generator, created to demystify how containers work.