Examples for running Debezium (Configuration, Docker Compose files etc.)
翻译 - 运行Debezium的示例(配置,Docker Compose文件等)
Apache Airflow in Docker Compose (for both versions 1.10.* and 2.*)
Want to handle 100,000 messages in 90 seconds? Celery and Kombu are that awesome - Multiple publisher-subscriber demos for processing json or pickled messages from Redis, RabbitMQ or AWS SQS. Includes...
A repository stores some dockerfiles or docker-compose files for quickly starting service or service cluster.
A repository to store my collections. Docker, n8n, awesome-tools and etc interesting things.
The way to start a Django project with Docker and docker-compose
Docker in a Weekend: 40 Practical Demos for DevOps Learners
A Composer for your favorite IoT/ IIoT container stacks with Ansible + Jinja2 + Docker Compose v2
Docker compose dedicated to ARM / x86 / x64 processors, hosting a complete torrent factory, or seedbox.
A pre-configured docker-compose files collection helping web developers. Additional Cli to manage registered compose files from everywhere in the terminal.
Bash script to manage multiple docker-compose files (stacks)
Symfony4 - a quick start template Symfony 4, PHP 7.2.15 and docker-compose for developers
The core services that form the basis of the Pico Stack.
A ready to use Docker Compose configuration for a LEMP stack (Nginx, PHP, MariaDB, and PHPMyAdmin).
RESTful API template based on Symfony 4 + MySQL + docker-compose.yml
Flask Restful API template - development environment for Flask Restful API development based on docker
Deploy Pimcore with docker-compose (development only)
The straight to code approach for dev environments