A community-developed, free, opensource, automated testing framework for microservices APIs, Kafka(Data Streams), Databases and Load testing. Zerocode Open Source enables you to create, change and mai...
翻译 - 社区开发的,免费的,开放源代码的,声明性的API自动化和负载测试框架,使用Java JUnit核心运行程序构建,用于HTTP REST,SOAP,安全性,数据库,Kafka等。它使创建和维护测试用例非常容易。
Springy Store is a conceptual simple μServices-based project using the latest cutting-edge technologies, to demonstrate how the Store services are created to be a cloud-native and 12-factor app agnost...
翻译 - Springy Store是一个基于概念,基于μServices的简单项目,使用最新的前沿技术来演示如何创建商店,使其成为云原生且不受12个因素影响的应用程序。这些μServices是基于Spring Boot&Cloud框架开发的,该框架实现了云原生的直观,设计模式和最佳实践。
Best practices and integrations available for Spring Boot based Microservice in a single repository.
A simple yet powerful parameterized test runner for Java.
WebTau (web test automation) is a testing API, command line tool and a framework to write unit, integration and end-to-end tests. Test across REST-API, WebSocket, GraphQL, Browser, Database, CLI and B...
Allure integrations for Java test frameworks
Enhance your TDD experience! AutoParams is a versatile test data generator designed for parameterized tests in Java and Kotlin, drawing inspiration from AutoFixture.
翻译 - 用于AutoFixture的Java中参数化测试的任意测试数据生成器。
💖💖Here we are making almost all types of Spring Boot Applications that you suggested via linkedin/Gmail, If you are looking something that is out of the box then just ping me in linkedin or mail wit...
翻译 - 在这里,我们制作了您通过linkedin/Gmail 建议的几乎所有类型的 Spring Boot 应用程序,如果您正在寻找开箱即用的东西,那么只需在linkedin 中 ping 我或将您所需的项目邮寄给我,我将为您制作模板自由
WireMock Spring Boot drastically simplifies testing HTTP clients in Spring Boot & Junit 5 based integration tests.
🍃 Master Spring Boot Testing: From Uncertain Deployments to Production Confidence
翻译 - 🍃 Everything You Need to Know About Testing Spring Boot Applications
Esta é uma API para encurtar URLs e redirecionar para a URL original.
VocabHunter helps learners of foreign languages find vital new vocabulary to study.
A scriptable/customizable web server for testing HTTP clients using OAuth2/OpenID Connect or applications with a dependency to a running OAuth2 server (i.e. APIs requiring signed JWTs from a known iss...
A TestNG like dataprovider runner for JUnit with many additional features
JUnit 5 extension for Selenium WebDriver