Allure integrations for Java test frameworks
Clear and concise reporting for the Cucumber BDD and Karate JSON result format.
Multiprocess | Parallel Cucumber-JVM | Parallelize your Java Cucumber tests on a feature level or on a scenario level.
Cucumber JVM with Selenium Java
Maven plugin that simplifies running Cucumber scenarios in parallel.
Lightweight API testing tool based on cucumber JVM
#安卓#Android project to experiment various testing tools
Non-Regression Automation for User Interfaces
Page factory framework for java test automation. Web/API/Mobile
Behavioural driven development UI automation framework using selenium, cucumber-java, testng, maven, phantomjs
Spring Web MVC + JPA + Hibernate + JSP + JSTL application
Sample of Cucumber-JVM framework that can inspire us
Cucumber JVM version [1.0.0; 2.0.0) adapter
How to configure cucumber using Gradle Kotlin DSL
An idiomatic Clojure wrapper for the latest version of cucumber-jvm, inspired by auxoncorp/clj-cucumber
Cucumber-jvm 5.0.0 examples with Maven
This workshop is designed to help you start or improve your TDD skills.
Cucumber-JVM 6 Adapter for Extent Framework