以Spring Cloud Netflix作为服务治理基础, 展示基于tcc思想所实现的分布式事务解决方案
Demo for Spring Boot 3(`master` branch)/2(other branches) and Spring Cloud microservices with distributed configuration (Spring Cloud Config), service discovery (Eureka), API gateway (Spring Cloud Gat...
翻译 - 具有分布式配置 (Spring Cloud Config)、服务发现 (Eureka)、API 网关(Spring Cloud Gateway、Zuul)、Swagger2 API 文档、使用 Spring Cloud Sleuth 的日志关联等的 Spring Boot 2 和 Spring Cloud 微服务演示
Rate limit auto-configure for Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul
spring-cloud-netflix-example is an example for microservices system
Many samples in different branches that shows how to create microservices with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Zipkin, Zuul, Eureka, Hystrix, Kubernetes, Elastic Stack and many more tools
Springy Store is a conceptual simple μServices-based project using the latest cutting-edge technologies, to demonstrate how the Store services are created to be a cloud-native and 12-factor app agnost...
翻译 - Springy Store是一个基于概念,基于μServices的简单项目,使用最新的前沿技术来演示如何创建商店,使其成为云原生且不受12个因素影响的应用程序。这些μServices是基于Spring Boot&Cloud框架开发的,该框架实现了云原生的直观,设计模式和最佳实践。
Bootiful Microservices with Spring Boot
自研应用框架,开箱即用,零侵入性接入,遵循 Spring 官方的模块化管理,保证业务依赖可选项。
Samples of custom Zuul 1 filters for use in Spring Cloud Netflix
A series of examples used to demonstrate certain features of Spring.
Code examples built for the purpose of video course: Microservices With Spring Boot And Spring Cloud
Spring Cloud services with 5 microservices - End to End Example
Spring Cloud Microservices Development.《Spring Cloud 微服务架构开发实战》
sample microservices demonstrating usage of spring reactive support with spring webflux and integration spring cloud, eureka, ribbon, spring cloud gateway, spring data jpa and mongodb
Example of a microservices architecture on the modern stack of Java technologies
Example project showing how to provision, deploy, run & orchestrate Spring Boot apps with Docker Windows Containers on Docker Windows native using Packer, Powershell, Vagrant & Ansible
Spring Boot based Java microservice application to manage imdb movie catalog
The TechTitans team has just launched an awesome ⭐GitHub Repository designed for beginners in DevOps and Microservice applications. Plus, we've added handy guides 📚 for interview prep in Java, Python...