Integration with Netflix OSS components
翻译 - 与Netflix OSS组件集成
Distributed Big Data Orchestration Service
Abixen Platform is a microservices based software platform for building enterprise applications delivering functionalities through creating particular microservices and integrating by provided CMS.
Spring Boot based Java microservice application to manage imdb movie catalog
Using Spring Cloud to develop microservices and deploy to Kubernetes
Dynomite Cluster Checker checks if a Dynomite cluster is working properly via Dyno.
Microservice architecture based on the Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS stack.
Example of Microservices with Spring Cloud and Kotlin
A Spring Boot web server suite orchestrated by Docker-Compose to display the Distributed Tracing framework of Spring Sleuth and Zipkin Stream Server.
Some simple microservices for various purposes (mainly tinkering with Spring Boot and the Netflix stack)
A basic microservices skeleton
Proof of concept of scalable and fail proof archtecture
Try Dubbo, Spring Cloud, Netflix OSS