Integration with Netflix OSS components
翻译 - 与Netflix OSS组件集成
The source code of the book "Spring Microservices in Action (John Carnell)" and the personal summary of technical essentials about Spring Boot for microservices.
banking management web application with Spring Boot 3, Spring Security, Spring Cloud and Angular
Spring Boot based Java microservice application to manage imdb movie catalog
Cloud Native Progressive Web Apps with Spring Boot and Angular
Simple Spring (Netflix) Cloud Native Microservice Project
Twitter clone project,模仿Twitter的社交平台,基于Spring Cloud Netflix微服务技术栈开发。
A distributed microservices event-driven search engine for tweets and a zero trust architecture.
Complete sample project with spring cloud using cloud config, eureka, zuul, feign, hystrix and turbine
Microservices with Spring Boot (OAuth2, Eureka, Config Server, OpenFeign, Sleuth, Hystrix, Zuul, PostgreSQL, MySQL)
Microservice with spring boot, eureka, zuul and oauth
The discovery & gateway boilerplate based on spring-cloud with spring security.
Basic example for microservice architecture implementation by using Spring Cloud and Netflix OSS components.
Microservices using Spring CLoud, Feign Client, Netflix eureka , Spring AOP, Exeption handling, Docker Java Melody and Azure table storage
project that takes the values of some stock market shares in BIST, thanks to the finance-stream-service, adds them to elasticsearch and creates a cloud stream with the data it receives and aims to us...
secure discovery between client and server with spring cloud netflix eureka and spring boot
Small project containing a microservices test featuring: Spring Boot (Jetty), Spring Cloud libraries, Netflix OSS tooling, Docker and Docker compose. It also features an Angular2 front end application...
A full-fledged netflix clone built using react and redux and the tmdb api.featuring trending movies, favourites, add to watch later built using redux. the movie detail page showing the trailer, simila...
Este proyecto consiste en una aplicación basada en microservicios desarrollada con Spring Boot. La arquitectura se compone de tres microservicios: Products, Inventory y Orders.
Build restful web services utilizing spring boot and client side load balancing netflix ribbon with eureka server